Maximize SEO on Blogspot : Just like WP


Seo is one important factor for the "continuity" of a blog, therefore a lot of bloggers use some seo techniques, whitehat seo or blackhat seo.

For wordpress users may be somewhat ameliorated by the number of Seo Plugin for Wordpress, depending on how the kits to choose the plugin.

But for blogspot users, such facilities will never be found, so that wordpress is more superior than blogspot.

Now we will try to make a blogspot like wordpress, especially in terms of seo, so our blog is preferred by search engines.

Here are some steps that can be done for blogspot preferred search engine such as wordpress.

  • Meta Tag Blog
    We start from the very top of the html code of the Meta Tags Blogs, For the meta tags, use the meta tag generators are widely available on the internet, or to maximize the SEO you can create blog label/tag to be keywords.
  • Blog Title
    The default title on blogspot = Blog title - Article title
    well, replace it with Article title - Blog title
    Find this code :
    Delete and replace with the following code :
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
    <title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>
  • Add code rel = canonical
    This code serves to protect the content of your blog, so if there is copying, search engines will consider it spam
    add the code under the <head> tag
  • Change H3 -> H1
    Search engines are very pleased to "read" an article by using H1 tags,
  • Add smart SEO link pluginSEO plugin which originally had a wordpress, for which it awaited the next post yach, or if it is dying can be read here
  • Creating BreadCumb
  • Add also Related Post
Maybe this seo tips for blogspot to be more easily known search engines, if anyone else will be written again.

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World oil prices, affected by the chaos in Libya


As Libyans fight on the streets, the effects will be felt on our roads.
Yesterday as chaos and violence spread across Libya, BP, Shell and other oil companies evacuated their employees.
The shutdown of oil in Libya coupled with growing uncertainty in the nation raised oil prices to $93.36 a barrel Tuesday. This is near the pre-2008 recession levels for oil prices.

US oil prices are lower relative to other countries, because of heavy stockpiling. In London, prices rose over $2 for Brent North Sea crude, which closed at $107.75. Demand for oil from China also jumped because of the unstable conditions in the Middle East.

It is unknown when oil prices will drop since many Middle Eastern nations are currently experiencing anti-government protests. US oil prices should remain relatively stable for some time according to estimates.

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Backlink Gratis Dari PPC, 100% Gratis


Kemarin iseng-iseng melakukan cek backlink blog ini, siapa tahu saja dapat High Quality Backlinks nyasar dari web ber page rank atas.

Saya sempat kaget dengan hasil yang ditampilkan oleh Tool Backlik, backlink watch yang mencatat ada 700-an backlink buat blog ini, padahal terakhir cek hanya punya sekitar 500-an, lalu backlink dari siapa itu ?

Usut punya usut ada beberapa backlink baru dari program PPC indonesi yang terpercaya, semisal kumpulblogger, untukblogger dan PPCindo, namun yang lebih banyak dari utukblogger.

Pertanyaanya adalah, kok bisa dapat backlink dari situs PPC tersebut ?

Memang saya dahulu mendaftarkan blog ini ke beberapa Pay Per Click Indonesia not scam, saya sendiri sampai lupa daftar dimana saja.

Mungkin karena saya menaruh blog ini di situs Pay Per Click tersebut sebagai publisernya maka otomatis url blog ini pasti tertanam di database situs-situs tersebut, padahal saya sudah lama banget daftar program semacam itu, yah sekedar iseng saja.

Tanpa disangka sekarang malah dapat "High Quality Backlink" dari situs-situs tersebut, lumayankan meskipun tidak berpagerank backlinknya.

Oh ya 1 lagi yang menyumbang backlink buat blog saya adalah dari

Kesimpulan dari saya, daftar sebanyak mungkin program PPC dan masukkan blog kamu ke situs-situs tersebut, siapa tahu saja nanti kecipratan backlink gratis kaya' saya.

Tinggalkan komentar tentang Backlink Gratis Dari PPC, 100% Gratis
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Belajar Fungsi If Condition Pada Blog


Untuk mengedit tampilan blog sudah tentu kita akan akrab dengan code-code Html.

Nah, sekarang kita akan belajar bersama tentang code html, khususnya fungsi If Condition.

Untuk mempermudah pemahaman fungsi If Condition, ada baiknya membaca contoh kasus berikut ini :

Contoh mudah, saya ingin menampilkan elemen/widget Followers hanya di Home Page saja.

Perhatikan code html berikut :
<div id='sidebar-wrapper'>
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar1' preferred='yes'>
<b:widget id='Followers1' locked='false' title='Pengikut' type='Followers'/>
<b:widget id='HTML5' locked='false' title='Chat' type='HTML'/>
<b:widget id='HTML4' locked='false' title='Label' type='HTML'/>

Jika ingin menampilkan Followers di Home page saja,
bisa menggunakan fungsi If Condition seperti berikut :
(Karena ini adalah sebuah ID, di dalam kode CSS nanti hanya perlu ditambahkan tanda pagar ( # ) di depannya)

<style type='text/css'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>

Secara detail saya sendiri juga belum begitu paham tentang fungsi If Condition atau di code blog biasa ditulis

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>

Fungsi dari code pertama
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
untuk menampilkan suatu elemen/widget blog hanya di Home page atau halaman utama blog saja, sedangkan di single post (halaman posting) elemen/widget tersebut tidak ditampilkan.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
Berfungsi untuk menampilkan elemen/widget di Home Page Blog

Sedangkan Fungsi dari code kedua,
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
untuk menampilkan suatu elemen/widget blog hanya di single post (halaman posting) saja, sedangkan di Home page atau halaman utama blog elemen/widget tersebut tidak ditampilkan.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>Berfungsi untuk menampilkan elemen/widget di Single Post Blog

!!!!! Perhatikan tanda !=!= dan ==
!!!!! Untuk penyimpanan silakan taruh code tersebut setelah code ]]></b:skin> atau sebelum tag </head>

Trus bagaimana cara mengetahui "nama" atau ID elemen/widget suatu blog ?

Seperti contoh diawal tadi, caranya dengan mengenali atau mengetahui suatu elemen/widget blog bisa dilihat di code html blog masing-masing.

<div id='sidebar-wrapper'>
<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar1' preferred='yes'>
<b:widget id='Followers1' locked='false' title='Pengikut' type='Followers'/>
<b:widget id='HTML5' locked='false' title='Chat' type='HTML'/>
<b:widget id='HTML4' locked='false' title='Label' type='HTML'/>

  • Nama ID untuk Followers = Followers1
  • Nama ID untuk Label = HTML5
  • Nama ID untuk Chat = HTML4

Bagaimana, sudah paham tentang Fungsi If Condition ?

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How To Become Number 1 In Google Search Engine


The secret to coming up first in Google's search engine results pages is not as elusive as one may think.
Not quite as simple as flipping "The Google Switch," but if you work hard, have dedication, and use creativity your site can climb the rankings. Because of what it takes to be perfectly positioned, the process is very much like a competition.

Beating the competition (being no. 1 in search results) is an ego booster. It feels good to see your company riding high above your competitors, but when done correctly, your SEO efforts will drive potential customers to your site who are looking for what you have to offer.

Step 1 : Know your Google goals

The process of search engine optimization or SEO, begins with examining your goals for the project. Map out in a document your benchmarks for success. You should have short term goals and long term goals. These goals determine how to proceed with your keyword research.

You must have site analytics to truly measure whether or not you've been successful.

Google Analytics will give you concrete numbers that measure your site's visits, keyword referrals, search engine traffic, and much more. You must look at the before and after data to determine the success of your site's SEO changes.

Step 2 : Successful keywords perform a balancing act

Once you have articulated your goals, you can then examine the best keywords for your campaign's success. We use software to determine a keyword phrase's competition (how many pages Google has indexed for that phrase), how often the phrase is searched, and how relevant it is to a company's goals. Balancing these factors is key.

You can use Google's Traffic Estimator for free, but it doesn't provide all the information to make keyword phrase decisions.

Step 3 : Know your competition

Competitive intelligence is not only stealthy, but a great indicator as to what you need to improve. Examine the other sites standing in your way to high rankings. Look into their site structure, links, keyword phrases, domain age, and more to help determine which factors need improvement on your site.

Step 4 : Examine site structure and content

When a search engine produces search results it has not only examined the content on the page, but it also examines the site's code. It's important to know how to look under a site's hood and determine if the proper tags have been utilized.

Step 5 : Report, examine, and repeat

After the necessary changes have been made, be sure to report on what has improved or changed in the search engine results (relative to your goals).
Examine data from your site (or have us help with site analytics) to determine what changes need to be made in order to complete a successful Internet marketing campaign.
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SEO optimization on Article title


There are many ways for SEO Optimization performed on blogger, one with Optimizing SEO in the title posts.

Still confused huh?
OK, let's discuss one by one though more details.

In the blog code, the title of the post was written by <h3>
Well this is where the location of his SEO optimization, by changing the code of <h3> be <h1>

Now the stage of replacement code.


  1. Log in blogger and then choose Edit html
  2. Tick the Expand Widget Templates
  3. Find this code
    . post h3 {
    . post h3 a,. post h3 a: visited,. post h3 strong {
    . post h3 strong,. post h3 a: hover {

    then replace it with a h1
    So the code will be like this
    .post h1 {
    .post h1 a, .post h1 a:visited, .post h1 strong {
    .post h1 strong, .post h1 a:hover {

    Scroll down and look for code like this
    <h3 class='post-title entry-title'>
    (use ctrl + f to facilitate the search)
    and replace with
    <h1 class='post-title entry-title'>
  4. Save the template

As I said above, this technique is used to make search engines more attention to the title of our posts because we use the code <h1>.

Hopefully these tips can be useful
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Tips Menghilangkan Box "Menampilkan Entri Terbaru"


Box seperti diatas biasanya akan muncul jika kita melakukan pencarian melalui kotak pencari yang ada diblog atau kita meng-klik label/kategori blog.

Nah jika ingin menghilangkan box tersebut caranya cukup mudah :
  1. Login Blogger -> Edit HTML (centang Expand Template Widget)
  2. Cari code berikut :
    <b:includable id='status-message'>
    <b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
    <div class='status-msg-wrap'>
    <div class='status-msg-body'>
    <div class='status-msg-border'>
    <div class='status-msg-bg'>
    <div class='status-msg-hidden'><data:navMessage/></div>
    <div style='clear: both;'/>
  3. Ganti code diatas dengan code dibawah ini :
    <b:includable id='status-message'>
    <b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
    <div style='clear: both;'/>
  4. Simpan template kamu

Gimana, boxnya udah hilang bukan ?

Anda Membaca Artikel : Tips Menghilangkan Box "Menampilkan Entri Terbaru"
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Download Script Ramal Jodoh


Masukkan Nama Kamu dan Pasanganmu!
% Cinta
get widget

Download Script Ramal Jodoh dan Pasang di blog kamu

Anda Membaca Artikel : Download Script Ramal Jodoh
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Ramal Nama Berdasarkan Weton Kamu


Ramalan Jodoh Berdasarkan Weton

Nama Kamu
Tgl. Lahir Kamu
Nama Pasangan
Tgl. Lahir Pasangan
get widget

Download Widget

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Maksimalkan SEO pada Blogspot Layaknya Wordpress


Seo lagi seo lagi, cape deh....
Tentu capek lah kalau mikirin seo, mudah diteori tapi prakteknya, ampun susah banget.

Mungkin kata-kata diatas paling pas jika kita mau membicarakan seo for blogspot, karena sudah banyak banget teori (baca : tips) Seo yang dibeberkan para penulis blog yang entah si penulis/pemilik blog tersebut menerapkan tips tersebut atau tidak.

Oke, kembali ke pokok masalah, membuat blogspot lebih seo friendly layaknya wordpress.
Pertama yang harus dilakukan tentu saja
login ke blogspot - Edit HTML lalu :

  • Meta Tag Blog
    Kita mulai dari code html paling atas yaitu Meta Tag Blog,Untuk meta tag gunakan meta tag generator yang banyak tersedia di internetAtau untuk lebih memaksimalkan SEO bisa Membuat Label Menjadi Keyword caranya akan saya tulis lebih lanjut di artikel berikutnya
  • Title Blog
    Standartnya judul diblogspot adalah Judul blog - Judul postingan, nah ganti mode itu dengan Judul postingan - Judul Blog, caranya :
    cari code :
    Hapus dan ganti dengan code berikut ini :
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
    <title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>
    lalu save template.
  • Tambahkan code rel=canonical
    code ini berfungsi untuk melindungi content blog kita, agar jika nanti ada yang meng-copy, search engine akan menganggap itu spam, tambahkan code tersebut dibawah code <head>
    <link expr:href='data:blog.url' rel='canonical' />
  • Ganti tag H3 judul postingan dengan tag H1
    Search engine sangat senang "membaca" sebuah artikel dengan judul menggunakan tag H1,
    Caranya : cari code .post H3 a, .post H3 a:visited, .post H3 a:hover dan ganti dengan .post H1 a, .post H1 a:visited, .post H1 a:hoverlalu cari code seperti ini :
    <b:if cond='data:post.title'>
    <h3 class='post-title entry-title'>
    <b:if cond=''>
    <a expr:href=''><data:post.title/></a>
    <b:if cond='data:post.url'>
    <a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a>
    Ganti H3 menjadi H1 juga.
  • Menambahkan smart link plugin SEO
    Plugin SEO yang aslinya punya wordpress,untuk yang ini ditunggu di postingan berikutnya yach, atau jika sudah kebelet bisa dibaca disini
  • Membuat BreadCumb
  • Tambahkan juga Related Post atau artikel yang berhubungan

Mungkin sekian dulu tips seo untuk blogspot agar lebih mudah dikenal search engine, jika ada yang lain nanti akan ditulis lagi deh.

Udah jam 2 pagi nie,ngantuk, besok kuliah nie..hihiii

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This The New Generation Online Casinos


The class of group who regularly use online casinos is now at make levels. If you are fascinated in registering with a Live Dealer Roulette, there are a sort of considerations and accumulation you faculty requirement to be informed of and treat. If you individual never old much portals before, you may essential to bed what are whippy moneyman casinos.

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Chicago Sales Jobs


Chicago sales jobs are rattling more sought after by future employees seacoast to coast. The city has been in the program since dimension immemorial and in recent years, with President Obama at the Achromatic Sanctuary, there is no looking posterior for this eager port. Sales are production up and if you are working in the maximal Midwestern metropolis in the state of Algonquin, you would goodness from these accessible and term tried tips.

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